Posted on April 22, 2010

While most airports in Northern Europe are now open, two Nordic countries have closed some of their airports because of a new cloud of ash from a volcano in Iceland.  Norway has maintained flight restrictions on six airports from Stavanger in the south to Floro in the the north.  Most of the oil rigs off Norway are still not receiving helicopter flights.  The second largest airport in Sweden at Gothenburg is closed, together with a handful of airports in smaller, western cities.  The main airport for Stockholm, Arlanda, is operating near normally, as is Malmo airport.  Air freight is only a small proportion of all exports to and imports from the Nordic countries.


Japan ports Norway Switzerland Gothenburg U.S.A Poland exports China air freight Seafreight Ireland China Spain Sweden Hong Kong EU Turkey wine container freight forwarders containers Freight Shipping India France Brexit rail freight waste imports italy Germany Covid-19 Finland Denmark shipping exporters Sweden freight Australia USA Canada freight forwarding logisitics exports cargo South Africa Swedish Netherlands logistics Vietnam Pakistan freight