This page will tell you about our various certificates and allow you to view them in PDF format.
We are registered member No. 1 of the British International Freight Association.
BIFA Membership Certificate
We are an affiliated member of the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations, and have recognition of 25 years of FIATA Membership
Our appointed Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor (As required by ADR 2009 and The Carriage of Dangerous Goods etc. Regulations 2009)
is Keep Legal Consultancy Ltd. DGSA Certificate
ISO 9001:2015 Quality Approval
ISO 9001:2015 Certificate
Waste Carriers Licence
Certificate of Registration under the Waste Regulations 2011
Freight Liability Insurance
Freight Liability Insurance Policy
Employers Liability Insurance
Employers Liability Insurance Certificate
Public Liability Insurance
Public Liability Insurance Confirmation
Environmental Policy
Environmental Policy