Posted on September 23, 2010

The Greek Government passed a new freight law yesterday, which opens up the industry to competition. The law will enable start-up hauliers, freight and logistics operators to obtain an operator’s licence for a much lower cost.  The transport unions said that this was unfair to existing operators, who had paid up to 400 000 dollars for their licences.  Freight drivers and hauliers have been causing disruption to traffic around Athens since September 13, in an attempt to stop the new law.  The government says that the constant disruption has caused exports to be blocked, but they are not in position to negotiate due to conditions imposed on them by the EU Rescue package.


Netherlands waste container Germany Seafreight Spain freight forwarding Gothenburg export logisitics Australia freight wine exports Vietnam italy Hong Kong Brexit France Sweden freight Swedish freight forwarders exporters Freight Shipping Ireland Japan EU shipping Finland U.S.A USA Covid-19 Switzerland India exports China rail freight containers cargo China Sweden Turkey Poland imports logistics Canada South Africa Denmark Norway Pakistan air freight