Posted on September 2, 2010

Although the use of rail freight by big shippers and importers has been increasing steadily, only 10% of the Channel Tunnel’s capacity for rail freight is being used.  Rail freight becomes more competitive with road freight as the distance increases, so there would be great benefits if the Tunnel was used to full capacity.  The lorry shuttle service means that freight makes substantial use of the tunnel, but rail freight has not been able to match the road freight volumes.

Services need to reach a certain level of frequency in order for rail freight to succeed.  There also needs to be a range of provider so that logistics buyers feel they have the services and options they need.  Users also need to feel that services are here to stay. 




freight forwarders waste Germany exporters Denmark Spain France containers Turkey cargo Finland container exports Norway freight Sweden Pakistan Netherlands Gothenburg USA China logistics Covid-19 Freight Shipping air freight Australia Seafreight Sweden freight Switzerland italy Hong Kong South Africa Canada India EU exports China rail freight export wine Poland freight forwarding Swedish Vietnam U.S.A Brexit imports shipping Japan logisitics Ireland