Posted on April 2, 2009

Shippers are becoming more and more cautious, and requiring their logistics, transport and freight suppliers to prove their financial viability.  If there is a failure in the supply chain, customers cannot get their product to market, so the financial viability of logisitics suppliers can have a devastating effect.  Shippers at a recent supply chain conference said that it was becoming increasingly difficult to find out financial information about eastern European suppliers, and that it was becoming increasingly necessary to examine the risks of sourcing from distant, low-cost production centres such as China.  Importers needed to balance low costs against the risk of sourcing from the Far East. 

wine shipping italy Swedish waste Sweden Poland Hong Kong Gothenburg rail freight freight cargo India freight forwarding freight forwarders Brexit Seafreight Turkey Norway Covid-19 USA exports containers Australia imports France Finland Denmark Japan Vietnam export logisitics Germany Freight Shipping container U.S.A Netherlands exporters logistics air freight Spain Switzerland Ireland ports Canada South Africa Pakistan Sweden freight China exports China