Posted on January 17, 2023

In October 2022, exports exceeded imports by 12.2%; exports amounted to $104.05 billion and imports to $92.76 billion. In the same period exports grew by 0.7% from $103.4 billion. Imports increased by 19.74% from $77.5 billion.

The top export partners were the US (9.7% of total overseas sales), China (7.4%) and Germany (5.8%).

Imports decreased because of reduced acquisitions of chemical products (-10%), plastics and rubber (-18%), textiles (-17%) and vehicles and transport equipment (-8%,), which were partly offset by the increase in mineral products (14%). Their main import partners were China (18.5% of total purchases), India (7.9%) and the US (7.2%).

Netherlands Covid-19 Seafreight container India italy containers freight waste Canada Poland Hong Kong China shipping South Africa Sweden Finland exports China EU export freight forwarders Turkey Australia Switzerland exports exporters Swedish Brexit Japan USA Sweden freight France freight forwarding wine rail freight Pakistan Denmark air freight Ireland cargo Germany logisitics Norway Gothenburg Vietnam U.S.A imports logistics Spain Freight Shipping