Posted on April 17, 2021

The General Department of Vietnam Customs said that exports for the year as of March 15 were worth US$62.01 billion, a year-on-year increase of 22.7 per cent.

Exports to the US in January and February accounted for $13.83 billion or 28.4 per cent of total exports.

In recent years the US has become Vietnam’s biggest export market. IN 2020 at $76.4 billion it accounted for 27 per cent of the latter’s total exports.

Ireland exporters Spain Poland shipping Brexit Sweden freight Finland Hong Kong Turkey Australia U.S.A Switzerland Sweden Norway South Africa Netherlands Swedish exports China wine logistics Gothenburg logisitics freight cargo Seafreight EU Denmark Japan Vietnam exports rail freight China freight forwarders freight forwarding India France containers Freight Shipping air freight Covid-19 waste USA imports Canada container Pakistan export italy Germany