Posted on April 4, 2012

A new index published for the first time this week, suggests that forwarders expect ocean and air cargo to increase in volumes over the net six months.The Stifel Nicolaus Logistics Confidence Index asked members of the ocean and air freight forwarding industry about current cargo volumes and expected volumes in six months’ time.

In ocean freight, the Asia-Europe trade lane generated most confidence both in March and in September .

On the air freight side, forwarders are currently most optimistic (or least pessimistic) about the Europe-US route, but by September expect Europe-Asia to be the top performing trade.

freight forwarders Pakistan Poland Spain cargo exporters Germany France exports freight forwarding Brexit South Africa Vietnam Switzerland Turkey Ireland exports China waste Seafreight containers wine Sweden Canada shipping Hong Kong logisitics air freight italy Gothenburg Finland Denmark U.S.A Sweden freight rail freight USA China logistics Freight Shipping Australia freight EU export container Covid-19 Swedish Netherlands India imports Norway Japan