Posted on September 17, 2011

The Paris Council is intending to impose restrictions on car-carrying road trailers, with a view to banning them completely by 2016.

In response to this policy, the Compagnie Fluviale de Transport of France has announced a new barge service on the Seine for the delivery of new vehicles to car dealerships and car rental firms.  At the moment, there are more than 1000 car trailer journeys in and out of the centre of Paris, and a recent test run of the barge freight service showed that there was positive feedback from the logistics firms and carmakers.

The barge docked at the Quai Bercy on the Seine, and the vehicles were unloaded directly on to the quayside using a dedicated pontoon and ramp.  If the barge service operates five times a week, it could

The service could transport more than 30,000 vehicles into the centre of the capital every year, and would also include reverse logistics provision with the transport of return loads such as second hand cars.

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