Posted on July 13, 2010

The state owned shipping line of India is suffering from drastically falling freight rates for dry bulk carriers and tankers.  These are the ships which are used to carry raw materials, especially those for the building trade.  India supplies iron ore to China, which is currently reducing its construction programmes, and therefore imports less iron ore.  Freight rates are falling because there is an excess of ships, which drives down the prices for carrying raw materials.  Shipowners are hoping that demand for building materials will increase so that freight rates can be raised.

rail freight Canada ports U.S.A cargo China italy Germany imports air freight Hong Kong container Switzerland exports logisitics wine waste Denmark USA Finland freight forwarders Pakistan Freight Shipping Sweden freight Seafreight export Sweden containers Gothenburg logistics Japan South Africa freight Ireland Norway Poland freight forwarding Swedish exports China shipping Spain Vietnam India Covid-19 Turkey exporters Australia Brexit France Netherlands