Posted on August 20, 2009

Since the middle of 2008, demand for all types of freight forwarding services has been in decline, as according to the World Bank the value of goods traded in the world fell by 30%. The worst affected trade has been sea container shipping and air freight to and from China as demand in the West for consumer goods has fallen.  The situation has not been helped by the fact that overall shipping capacity has been rising, as new ships commissioned during the boom years have come to completion.  Shipping lines have been forced to lay up ships, and store huge numbers of containers which are not being used.  Many freight forwarding companies have had to close offices and shed staff, but as usual it will be the better-run companies which survive.

India U.S.A Sweden export freight forwarding Turkey Sweden freight Ireland imports freight forwarders Switzerland Covid-19 Vietnam Poland containers Pakistan Netherlands cargo Freight Shipping air freight logistics EU waste Denmark Hong Kong container freight Spain Gothenburg logisitics Swedish Brexit USA italy exports South Africa Canada rail freight Finland Seafreight shipping China France wine Germany Japan Norway exporters Australia exports China