Posted on April 28, 2009

Freight forwarders and logistics providers are benefitting from the decline in the construction industry; developers are willing to offer flexible terms to logistics tenants in order to attract them to use the huge amount of warehouse space which was built on a speculative basis.  The worst area for over supply is the north-east and north-west of England, and freight forwarders are finding that they are able to negotiate far better and more flexible deals than was the case a few years ago.  Some recent research suggests that rental levels will fall by about 7% this year, and this can only be to the advantage of companies involved in the forwarding and logistics industry, who are more accustomed to ever-increasing costs.

U.S.A Swedish Hong Kong Poland France Norway italy Japan containers air freight shipping waste Spain freight forwarding Ireland Australia imports logistics Finland Gothenburg India Sweden Germany export wine Brexit Sweden freight EU Freight Shipping China USA Netherlands Switzerland exports exporters Turkey South Africa freight Pakistan Covid-19 logisitics Seafreight freight forwarders Vietnam cargo Canada Denmark exports China rail freight container