The latest press release from the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations (FIATA) stresses how important the logistics sector and an efficient supply chain is to growing the international economy. The reports advises that the United Nation’s post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals must include logistics connectivity.
The theory behind this advice broadly interprets something which is readily apparent to any freight forwarder worth that, when a very successful new product is developed, it rapidly moves from sourcing both intellectual know how and raw materials close to its original site into regions which are best equipped to provide room for rapid development and manufacture. So far this has led to the rise of Asia in general, and China in particular, over the past few decades particularly.
FIATA says it is clear that the logistics industry is of equal strategic importance in achieving sustainability as it is in terms of economic development. Additionally, as the logistics industry is expected to continue growing, so will its energy consumption and GHG emissions, unless changes are made.