Posted on June 24, 2011

The Entry Summary Declaration came into force on 1 July.  The ENS contains information such as the Bill of Lading number, shipper and consignee name and address and must be logged with the shipping line 24 hours before the goods are shipped for long distance destinations, and two hours before entry at the ship’s first EU port for short distance destinations.

The rule was not strictly enforced for the first six months, to allow time for shippers to accustom themselves to the new legislation, but from 1 July carriers will refuse to load cargo if the requirements are not met.  Shipping lines are warning their customers that they will incur fines if the regulations are not followed correctly.

The ENS is designed to allow EU Customs to perform a security risk assessment before goods enter the EU.


imports Seafreight containers Brexit freight forwarding Freight Shipping wine Pakistan Switzerland Spain exporters logisitics italy EU Finland Poland container shipping logistics Swedish cargo Canada Denmark waste exports China rail freight Japan Turkey Covid-19 exports Sweden India freight forwarders USA Gothenburg South Africa U.S.A air freight Sweden freight Vietnam Australia freight Netherlands France Norway Germany Hong Kong Ireland ports China