Posted on October 7, 2009

The lead logistics supplier for the London Olympics says that these will be the most ‘carbon-free’ Olympics yet from the freight point of view.  The supplier will be responsible for the collection and delivery of everything from documents to heavy freight, and will also be in charge of the logistics planning service.  The same company managed the logistics for the Beijing Olympics in China, and belie%%ve that this exercise increased awareness of their brand by 30%.  This is just as well, for the company does not received payment for their services in the normal way.

China Hong Kong wine Canada export container USA air freight exports Switzerland shipping Denmark Netherlands Norway Freight Shipping waste France Brexit exporters South Africa logistics containers rail freight Germany Gothenburg Turkey Australia logisitics Ireland Swedish Pakistan Spain Vietnam Poland EU Covid-19 Sweden freight freight forwarding Finland italy Sweden freight cargo Seafreight freight forwarders U.S.A imports Japan exports China India