Posted on May 9, 2023

The value of China’s imports fell sharply last month as the economy’s post-pandemic recovery showed signs of slowing down. Imports fell 7.9 percent in April from a year earlier, widely outpacing a 1.4-percent contraction in March.

Weaker imports of steel, crude oil and plastics indicated slow domestic demand and a floundering economy.

Exports grew 8.5 percent during the same period. It was a recovery from last year, when strict coronavirus lockdowns were in force in Shanghai and elsewhere in the country.

Russia-bound exports were up roughly 150 percent, helping push the number higher.

cargo China Pakistan South Africa waste wine Denmark logistics ports Covid-19 freight rail freight Sweden Freight Shipping freight forwarding Canada Norway container France India italy USA exporters EU freight forwarders Australia containers Turkey Germany exports Poland air freight U.S.A shipping Sweden freight Swedish Japan Spain Brexit logisitics imports Seafreight Switzerland Hong Kong Gothenburg Vietnam exports China Netherlands Finland Ireland