Posted on February 24, 2023

Some container lines are benefitting from high freight container rates; many container lines pulled out of Russia at the beginning of the war, and those who stayed have been able to increase rates.

Freight rates to Russia remain high and new capacity is continuing to flow into the Russian trade.
New suppliers are adding ships to the trade as congestion at the Russian Far East gateways of Vladivostok and Vostochny have generated demand for new services from Asia to the Black Sea and Baltic gateways of Novorossiysk and St Petersburg.

freight forwarders Seafreight Spain italy freight forwarding Sweden China imports exports China Netherlands Covid-19 Norway rail freight Japan shipping India freight exporters export Germany containers U.S.A air freight Swedish Finland USA Turkey Denmark Brexit logisitics France Vietnam exports South Africa cargo Gothenburg waste Australia Poland wine EU logistics container Canada Pakistan Freight Shipping Switzerland Ireland Sweden freight Hong Kong